eBooks Free on Electronics Digital, Signal, Broadcasting, GPS and Galileo Receiver, Sensor, Circuits, Wireless, Logic
A Software-Defined GPS and Galileo Receiver
A Single-Frequency Approach,used to receive, process, and decode space-based navigation signals, such as those provided by the GPS constellation of satellites.
Signal Processing for Wireless Communications
A leading signal processing expert with years of product development, research, and teaching experience, this on-target engineering tool takes readers step by step through major wireless topics…modulation theory…wireless multipath channel…modulation detection methods…performance improvement techniques…receiver digital signal processing…3G wideband CDMA…computer simulation estimation techniques
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Digital Signage Broadcasting
Is a perfect introduction to this new world of opportunities for media professionals in all areas. Whether you are in engineering, IT, advertising, or management
Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach
Begin with the canonical problem of localizing and tracking moving objects, then systematically examine the many fundamental sensor network issues that spring from it, including network discovery, service establishment, data routing and aggregation, query processing, programming models, and system organization.
Multirate Statistical Signal Processing
Improve performance in many DSP applications ranging from signal compression to wireless communications, consumer entertainment products and sensor networks.
Analog-Baseband Architectures and Circuits
For Multistandard and Low-Voltage Wireless Transceivers, Techniques developed on architecture level for efficient system-in-package (SiP) integration, testability and multi-standardability; and on circuit level for reducing the required supply voltage, power and area, are generally applicable for most wireless systems, and are somewhat independent to technology scaling.
Visual Basic for Electronics Engineering Applications
Using "Visual Basic" as Rapid Application Development tool, we will take you on a journey to unlock the world beyond the connectors of the PC. After familiarizing yourself with Visual Basic, its development environment and the toolset it offers, items such as serial communications, printer ports, bit-banging, protocol emulation, ISA, USB and Ethernet interfacing and the remote control of test-equipment over the GPIB bus, are covered in extent.
Intelligent Sensor Design
Using the Microchip dsPIC,Quickly teaches the reader to design the new wave in sensor technology, “intelligent” sensors,In-depth design techniques, real-world examples, detailed figures and usable code,Application chapters thoroughly exploring temperature, pressure and load, and flow sensors.
Digital Design and Fabrication
Award-winning Computer Engineering Handbook reemerges with completely updated content and a brand new, two-volume format.
Broadband Wireless Communications Business
An Introduction to the Costs and Benefits of New Technologies, Defines the unique technical features of the new broadband wireless communications systems and explains what these mean for operator and manufacturer businesses.Offers a complete guide to all current access technologies, associated standards, and duplex modes. Provides advice on key business cost and benefit issues.
Tech Terms
What Every Telecommunications and Digital Media Professional Should Know, More than geek-speak, it covers all the bases– the BIG picture–not just terms or phrases from a single industry or discipline, Concise and clear definitions for everything from Internet browsers and IP Webcasting to MP3, satellite direct-to-home (DTH), LCD and Plasma Flat Panel Displays and DTV/HDTV.
Signal Processing for Wireless Communications
Wireless Topics • Modulation Theory • Wireless Multipath Channel • Modulation Detection Techniques • Performance Improvement Techniques • Receiver Digital Signal Processing • 3G Wideband CDMA • Computer Simulation Estimation Techniques • 3G and Beyond
Data-driven Block Ciphers for Fast Telecommunication Systems
For Fast Telecommunication Systems, Nikolai Moldovyan and Alexander Moldovyan, major innovators and holders of several dozen international patents in encryption technology, provide the background and detail the applicationswireless systems.
Optoelectronics for Data Communication
This is the first book to focus on the critical technology and application issues that are necessary to understand the optoelectonics for data communication industry, which is expected to grow exponentially during the coming years
Digital Logic Design, Fourth Edition
Number systems and codes,Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps and function simplification,Combinational logic design principles, Combinational logic design with MSI circuits, Latches and flip-flops, Counters and registers,Clock-driven sequential circuits, Event driven circuits, Instrumentation and interfacing,Programmable logic devices, Arithmetic circuits,Fault diagnosis and testing.
Free Download and Tutorial - electronics circuits on 1-wire circuits
1-wire barometer
Design finalized, schematic, board arrive, LED,temperature problem, Calibration approach,History,Board arrive, soldering, Debugging,Replaced with spare.
An experimenter's 1 wire barometer
Printed circuit layouts, work on a Dallas Semiconductor Corporation 1-Wire network, The goal of this design was to make a simple reliable 1-Wire barometer, Circuit Description,Printed Circuit Board,Mounting the DS2438,A DS2438 surface mount IC mounted on a 8-pin soldertail DIP socket , Board Layout, Parts List, Constructing the board, Suggestions on Final Calibration, Technical Information and Discussion.
Free 1-Wire DEVICES pdf file
White Paper 2: Using the 1-Wire Public-Domain Kit , White Paper 3: Why are 1-Wire SHA-1 Devices Secure? , White Paper 4: Glossary of 1-Wire SHA-1 Terms ,Communication Flowchart for the DS2703 , White Paper 5: Using 1-Wire APIs for Data Sheet Commands,DS2490 Universal Serial Bus Descriptors , Embedding the 1-Wire Master, White Paper 7: Thermochron Mission Authentication and Security , White Paper 8: 1-Wire SHA-1 Overview , Communicating through the 1-Wire Master ,1-Wire Communication Through Software , Interfacing the Dallas Semiconductor 1-Wire Master (DS1WM) to an ARM7 Processor,1-Wire Software Resource Guide , Ultra-Reliable 1-Wire Communications , Interfacing the DS18X20/DS1822 1-Wire Temperature Sensor in a Microcontroller Environment ,1-Wire Master Device Configuration ,Storing Battery Fuel Gauge Parameters in the DS2781 ,Single-Wire Serial Bus Carries Isolated Power and Data , Building a 1-Wire Temperature Logger Using the MAXQ3210 ,1-Wire Extended Network Standard , Add Control, Memory, Security, and Mixed-Signal Functions with a Single Contact ,
Introduction to 1-Wire networks
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Overview of 1-Wire Technology and Its Use
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The 1-Wire Thermocouple
With pdf file for free to download, thermocouple can be combined with a lithium ion monitor chip to create a smart sensor, This article describes a method of measuring temperatures using conventional thermocouples that are directly digitized at the cold junction,A Review of the Thermocouple, The DS2760, Measuring a Thermocouple over the 1-Wire,
The 1-wire weather station
To accurately describe current weather conditions and predict, The basic weather station measures wind speed and direction, ambient temperature, and rainfall, Wind Direction, Wind Speed, capacitor and diode half-wave rectifier to provide parasitic power from the data line for the station's various sensors and to transfer.